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Climate Justice Camp Fund


In February 2024 we invited applications from Climate Camp alumni to join an advisory panel to co-develop this fund with us. We're delighted to introduce the four team members who have stepped up to the challenge.

As a young woman from Africa, access to funding for climate related projects can be difficult, especially with power concentrated in the hands of a few people. I decided to be a part of this project because I believe it is important to recognize the value of youth-led initiatives in addressing the urgent issue of climate change. These initiatives not only provide valuable

solutions and innovative ideas but also empower young people to become active participants in

crafting a sustainable future. Young people have unique perspectives and can offer fresh ideas to address climate change. By funding youth-led climate projects, we can harness the energy, creativity, and passion of young people to address the urgent challenges of climate change.

-Aidah Nakku

As an architect, urbanist, and researcher I firmly believe in the power of building resilient communities, with education, research, and awareness we can empower generations to come to contribute to the change we want to bring to the world. Changing the world will not happen suddenly but rather gradually with the empowerment of youth to lead their future, with enabling youth from marginalized communities, we can convey the vision of change into reality. From this motivation, I contribute to the process of this project that aims to empower youth and enable them to a better future that they can bring to their communities.

-Hajar Al-Beltaji

As the founder of a grassroots youth-led movement, as well as a human rights scholar and activist, I am an advocate for resilient communities that work for societal and environmental justice. After joining the Climate Justice Camp team last year, I am eager to harness grants to empower youth & amplify underrepresented local initiatives. Together, let's ensure universal accessibility worldwide.

-Layal Beyhum

I was drawn to the Climate Justice Camp because of its unique intersection of environmental action and community building.  Witnessing the passion and dedication of individuals at the camp, I see the grants as a means to catalyze real change, providing essential support for diverse projects that address climate justice. Contributing to this distribution process is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play a role in amplifying the impact of local efforts, fostering a sense of collective responsibility, and advancing the broader goals of environmental sustainability.  Let's collaborate for positive change!

-Zainab Bie

Co-producing with Movements
October 2023

Climate Justice Camp  Fund

The Movements Trust is delighted to be facilitating a co-produced movement fund for participants of the Climate Justice Camp, with partners Roots, Greenpeace MENA, Oxfam Novib,, Amnesty International and more

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Movement Convening

This year’s Climate Justice Camp took place in Lebanon in August 2023, providing a dedicated space for individuals from the global south to build relationships with other climate justice activists, through daily workshops, to share best practice and to co-create and collaborate on cross-region and cross-issue strategies for systemic change.


500 attendees were carefully selected by the Roots coordinating team from over 5,000 applications, to bring together the individuals and movements with unique potential to respond to the climate emergency

Easy To Access Grants

The Movements Trust is administering a co-produced grant fund to support the movements that attend, and emerge from, the Climate Justice Camp.


We are working with our alumni advisory panel to have manage the distribution of the grants. A reserved percentage of the pooled fund total will be used to remunerate the panel fairly for their work.



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The impact stories from these grants will be reported at the 2024 Climate Justice Camp to maintain the momentum for new and emerging Camp ideas!


Get in touch if you're interested in supporting the new fund for 2024 Camp Alumni. & for more details. 


Donation instructions for bank transfers can be accessed here. Donation receipts available on request.

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